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Baby care: How to understand what your baby needs?

Understanding the needs of your baby

Giving birth to a baby is like the greatest blessing.  A new mother or a primiparous woman is most likely to be unaware or may be somewhat nervous regarding her lil'ones care.  

Baby care is the most blissful experience yet it requires a lot of understanding and patience along with love. Unlike us the adults babies can't communicate as to what they need for themselves. As a mother it becomes your duty to take care of your baby's needs.

Now this can be sometimes overburdening or may result into frustration when you are not able to soothe your little one. 

Baby needs:

  • Safety and security.
  • Feeding and nutrition.
  • Adequate sleep.
  • Protection from infection.

Challenging situations for a new mom:

The first challenge is

Safety and security

How to handle my baby?...

A newbie mom is always a bit confused or fussy over holding her baby.  

Some of you may find it easy as you have been assistants to your sister's kids previously but when it comes to your own life, you may doubt I holding my baby properly? Are you not getting hurt? Is your hand not getting pressed hard? Are you breathing properly? Are you comfortable in this position? 

A plethora of questions take over your mind and you are anxious. This can take a few days to  weeks before you really get confident about you and your baby's bonding. 

Newborn babies born at term are healthy.  However, the babies born before term are called the preterm babies, they are low weight and they need extra care.  A mother's heart beats almost the same way may it be a term baby or preterm baby. All you need to do is focus on the health of your babies and this needs to be done in a wise manner keeping in your mind what your babies actually need.  

Preterm or low birth weight babies need to be handled safely and securely as they are weak than the term or good weight babies.

Tips to handle your baby:

Always carry your baby from beneath with your  full upper arm support. This is the best way to hold the baby.

Keep the baby covered fully.  The baby has spent all nine months in a fully covered protected ambience and when it comes out after birth, it can't suddenly adapt to the open environment. It can reduce the body temperature considerably which is known as hypothermia.

Hypothermia is associated to be a major risk factor for neonatal mortality, especially in premature or preterm and low birth weight babies.

Kangaroo mother care is the best practice that enhances maternal bond with child and helps prevent hypothermia. 

Know more about Kangaroo mother care.

What is Kangaroo mother care?

What are the benefits of Kangaroo mother care?

Does anyone practice it now?

Why during delivery the baby is out on mother's chest immediately following childbirth?

Feeding and Nutrition


It is the most essential and beautiful part of baby care. It increases the mother-baby bond and stimulates the growth and development of baby. 

Breastfeeding is important as it provides nourishment as well as immunity to the babies.  Breast-milk is a power-source food with the presence of many nutrients as well as the maternal antibodies that protect the baby against infections.

As often as needed breastfeed your baby.  An hourly feed is considered the best practice for the first six months.  However it is not a fixed criterion.  A mother can breastfeed as many times as her baby can feed itself.  Some babies suck in more milk than others.  

It comes to knowledge as one continues feeding the baby. One starts understanding the requirements and feeding pattern of their baby. 

See more on breastfeeding, and Weaning.

Adequate sleep:

Babies tend to sleep more often. The babies gain weight due to adequate sleep and feeds.  

Know your baby's sleep pattern and make it a habit for some fixed hours. Pat the back or chest gently or rock the babies in a gentle manner to make them sleep. Using a cradle is also a good alternative to handrocks.

Many babies are overactive and a slight stimulation would make them awake and they won't get adequate sleep. 

Ensure a peaceful environment and make baby sleep.  Do not cover baby's face with blanket. Many people cover the baby's face, but it is not a good practice. A thin cloth can be slightly covered but that too when you are nearby your baby.  Instead it is good to use mosquito nets or netted baby cradles.

Give a gentle bath with lukewarm water.  Feeding after bath stimulates sleep response and the babies would sleep nicely for hours.  However ensure you feed your baby in between sleep.

Babies need to be habituated to suck the nipples during sleep. Some babies forget to suck during sleep. Pat their cheeks gently or give a little soft stroke on the edge of the lips on the cheeks.  This stimulates the sucking reflex. 

Feed the babies at night also. It extensively contributes to their growth and development.

Protection from infection:

Every mother gets worried when her baby gets sick. Every mother wants to keep their babies healthy and this needs to keep themselves more informed about the safety and healthy practices that help preventing infections.

Always breastfed your baby exclusively for first six months. Mother's milk is full of antibodies that help prevent infection.  If supplementing your baby with formula, then also continue breastfeeding. 

If bottle feeding, clean the bottle and it's nipple separately and then soak them in ll boiling water for  at least 20 minutes. This kills any germs present on or in the bottle.

If you are feeding baby with expressed milk, make sure you take a clean container for milk collection and use a clean spoon.  These can also be kept soaked in hot water to kill the germs and protect your baby from infection.

Vaccines play a major role in preventing infection. They provide effective protection against some of the killer childhood diseases. 

Ensure your baby gets all the recommended shots as they play a crucial role in keeping the diseases or infections at bay.

Maternal nutrition also can affect a baby's health. A mother must first eat a balanced healthy diet so as to keep the baby healthy.

Weaning is an essential component of baby nutrition and it must be introduced step by step so as to ensure proper nutrition and development of baby. See more on weaning.

Burping is also a good practice as it relieves any excess air or flatus. Practice it after every feed. See more on Burping.

Please visit your pediatrician immediately in case you feel your baby is sick. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent the progression of infection.

Please note: The above information is not a substitute for medical advice. It is for educational and informational purpose.


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