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Jaundice in adults:Symptoms|Causes|Diagnosis|Treatment

What is Jaundice?

Jaundice in adults :Yellow eye and face skin
    Yellowish discoloration of facial skin,eyes

Jaundice makes a person look yellow.  It is a medical symptom of liver-related diseases.  

Yellow discoloration helps doctor suspect any trouble to your liver, the largest gland. 

Let us learn more about Jaundice.What is Jaundice?

Jaundice or icterus is a medical condition characterised by the yellowing of the sclera, skin as well as the mucus membranes of the body.  It appears as an indication to metabolic disorder.  It helps us in identifying the health condition of our liver in the body.   

When the liver cannot effectively process the breakdown of the red blood cells, the bilirubin levels start to rise.  This excess build up of bilirubin turns the eyes, skin, mucus membranes and body fluids turn yellow in color. 

Jaundice is a common condition see in the newborn babies and infant.  It usually can go away on its own. It is of concern when jaundice appears in the later ages, in big children or adults.  It may suspect some medical condition then. 

What is bilirubin? 

  • Bilirubin is a red-orange pigment.
  • It is formed where there is a breakdown of the red blood cells.
  • Bile contains the bilirubin pigment.  Bile is stored in the liver and secreted from the gall bladder during digestion.
  • It helps in the digestion of the fatty foods.  Fatty foods are converted to fatty acids by bile. 

When the levels of bilirubin exceed the normal range in the blood, it is called hyperbilirubinemia. Yellow discoloration of the sclera,skin and mucus membranes results from the accumulation of higher levels of bilirubin( a yellow pigment) in the blood. 

The bilirubin in blood remains either conjugated or nonconjugated. 

The serum levels of bilirubin in normal range are:

  • Direct or conjugated bilirubin is less than 0.3 mg/dL
  • Total bilirubin is in the normal range of 0.1 to 0.2 mg/dL
Any levels higher than this range suggests the presence of jaundice. 

What are the signs and symptoms of jaundice?

Jaundice signs and symptoms are:
  • Yellowish discoloration of sclera (the white of the eye)
  • Yellowish skin of the face
  • Yellow mucus membranes
  • Dark colored urine due to bilirubin 
  • Pale or clay colored stools, steatorrhea(fatty stools)
  • Flushed face
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Severe skin itching, also called pruritis

Other symptoms may be:

  • Feeling tired or fatigue. The person feels weakness.
  • Abdominal pain
  • Weight loss
  • High grade fever
See your doctor immediately if you have high grade fever with chills or severe sweating

Is itching a symptom of jaundice?

Yes, Jaundice makes you feel uncomfortable by severe itching. Itchiness is a common symptom of jaundice. The back and the palms of the person may have more itching. You can have itching anywhere on the skin. Bilirubin is a skin irritant and the increased levels of the bilirubin may irritate the skin causing severe itching. 

While itching may indicate any other skin condition, you need to worry about it more if you feel your skin or eyes have turned yellow altogether.  This may be jaundice.  See your doctor immediately. 

What are the causes of Jaundice?

Jaundice can be caused by:

  • the build up of bilirubin in the blood before, during or after the production of bilirubin: 1) When there is too much breakdown of the red blood cells as in hemolytic anemia before even the life span of the rbcs get over, it can rise up the level of bilirubin in the blood.  2)When the liver cannot effectively process the bile, it can cause an increase in the bilirubin. 3) When there is overloaded or damage or any injury to the liver, bilirubin may exceed the normal levels. 4)When there is any kind of blockage in the bile duct such as gall stones, bile stones or any tumor it obstructs the path of bile causing the  build up of bilirubin in the blood.
  • Infections caused by viruses such as Hepatitis A, B or C viruses.
  • Genetic disorders 
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Side effects of medicines
  • Blood disorders such as hemolytic anemia
  • Bile may also increase and get obstructed in the gall bladder due to the pressure on the tummy during pregnancy. It is jaundice of pregnancy. 
  • Rh incompatibility
  • Chronic liver infection
  • Stones in the gall bladder
  • Blockages in the gall bladder
  • Any block in the bilirubin flow path or bile duct
  • Immature liver as in babies causing neonatal jaundice.  It is a jaundice that usually resolves within on its own and is not a serious condition. 

How is jaundice diagnosed ? What tests confirm that you have jaundice? 

Your doctor may need you to undergo some of the diagnostic tests to confirm that it is jaundice. 

Jaundice can be diagnosed by:

  • Physical examination:  Assessing for the symptoms of jaundice. Your doctor may note yellowish discoloration of the skin and eyes, check for any bruising or palmar redness or erythema, which are the significant changes suspecting liver conditions. 
  • Complete blood tests: CBC is done to rule out any significant changes in the blood cell counts and look out for any infection.
  • Liver function tests: Serum bilirubin levels, direct bilirubin, liver enzymes, etc. help to rule out the presence of jaundice
  • Urinalysis:; Urine test is done to detect bilirubin in urine,. If urine has bilirubin it needs a confirmation by serum bilirubin testing. 
  • Ultrasound tests: An ultrasound scan can be suggested by your doctor to assess your liver and other abdominal organs. Any blockage, tumor or stones may be detected roughly in the scan. Gall stones may be detected.  Any enlargement of the organs such as liver, spleen gall bladder distension can be seen on the scan. 
  • MRI and CT scan helps to get a clear picture of the liver and other nearby organs. 

What is the treatment of jaundice?  

  • Many babies have jaundice at the time of birth that completely resolves within a day or two.  In some severe cases there may be a need for blood transfusion and phototherapy sessions.  
  • Normal jaundice gets cured by keeping the babies open in sunlight (only in diapers). The sunlight contains rays that helps breakdown of bilirubin. 

Treatment of adults jaundice: 

  • Jaundice in adults is not treated usually.  Once your doctor identifies the underlying medical condition causing it, he/she may treat you accordingly. 
  • As for example, a person with acute infection of viral hepatitis gets antiviral treatment. As he starts recovering from the infection, the symptoms of jaundice also start subsiding.  If your doctor notes any tumor or stones in the biliary pathway such as gall bladder stone or bile duct stones or any kind of blockage, he may suggest some surgery to remove the obstruction.  
  • Surgery generally helps in restoring the normal bile pattern by removing any obstruction and this resolves the jaundice. 
  • The treatment focuses more on dietary changes and restrictions rather than the medical treatment.
  • For skin itching or pruritis you may be recommended taking cholestyramine. 
  • Your doctor may advise you to drink more water and clear fluids. 
  • You need to have small meals rather than large meals. 
  • If you feel nauseated most of the times, you may get antiemetic medicine to be taken before meals to prevent nausea and vomiting. 
  • You may be advised to eat a low-fat, low residue diet. Any extra burden on your tummy is too be avoided. Avoid heavy weight lifting. 
  • You can have fresh fruits and juices. 
  • Adding lemon to your diet may help you combat any infection. 
  • You can have protein rich diet. 

What can you do at home if you have jaundice?

Managing Jaundice at home

Preventing any further complications to liver and other organs and maintaining the health of your liver can be made possible by implementing some lifestyle changes.
  • You know you have jaundice after diagnosed by your doctor. Keep yourself away from others as your jaundice may be due to viral infection and you do not want to spread it to any of your family member. 
  • Be active rather than simply taking bed rest. Do light exercises. This helps maintain your good digestion and physical stability. 
  • Avoid any oily or fatty foods. No fast foods till you are completely jaundice-free.
  • Avoid high levels of carbohydrates too. Add protein to your diet. 
  • Consume small meals at regular intervals.  Avoid any big meal.
  • If you are an alcohol addict, it is the best time to avert yourself from the alcohol. You need to understand, alcohol is damaging your liver and if you wish to live healthy, you need to quit alcohol. Take help of self-help groups to get rid of your addiction. 
  • Expose yourself to the morning sunlight till 10 am.  It is good for you. 
  • Apply anti-itching ointments if the itching is intolerable. Take your medication as ordered by your doctor. 

How can you prevent  yourself from jaundice?

Prevention from jaundice means you need to maintain your liver health and keep it toxin-free. 

  • You must stay away from alcohol.
  • Avoid taking any over-the-counter medications too many doses in a day.   For example, paracetamol when exceeded beyond certain limit in a day is hepatotoxic.  It may lead to liver  failure. Always consult your doctor before taking any medications on your own. 
  • Exercise and maintain your physical health.  Keeping your body fit helps your body function well, and when the body is functioning well, it effectively removes the toxins or waste from the body. 
  • Take your vaccine shots to prevent any viral infections. 
  • Use clean boiled and filtered water for drinking purpose. Contaminated water may also cause infection and cause liver complications.
  • Pay attention to your diet. Eat healthy and balanced diet. Avoid overspicy or fatty foods. 
  • Have plenty of fluids throughout the day.  Water helps you clean the body waste through excretion, urination and sweat production. 
  • Do meditation to reduce the stress levels and promote your mental health being.
Jaundice is a medical condition with high bilirubin levels in the blood that makes your sclera, face, mucus membranes,etc. appear yellowish in color. Jaundice is common in newborn babies after birth. They need phototherapy to get rid of jaundice. Jaundice in adults may signal more serious problem. Jaundice itself is not a serious condition. It appears as a symptomatic indication for some underlying problem to your liver. It usually resolves when the underlying cause is promptly treated with medical and home care.

Note: This post is for informational and educational purpose only, It is not a substitute to any medical or professional advice or treatment. See your doctor in any case.


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